This weekend my family and I, along with about 500 of his friends, bid my grandfather Bill Merrifield a final farewell. No one could ask for a better example of the way to live life passionately and righteously. He was my beloved friend and a true world changer to whom my feeble words cannot pay worthy tribute.
I'll miss you, grandpa. When we meet again we will be brothers.
Yeah, so, as you can see my visitor count to this blog usually remains pretty steady (though when I am regularly updating the site the visitor count is usually in the 20-30 view per day range instead of the single digits).
And then yesterday happened. 76 views? What the heck?
Was I being besieged by spam bots or something? Or perhaps was I an unexplainable internet phenomenon for 5 minutes?
(I just wrote an entire entry about what I've been doing instead of blogging for the last month, but it was boring and useless so I deleted it. Here's a picture/picture I took today instead.)