And then yesterday happened. 76 views? What the heck?
Was I being besieged by spam bots or something? Or perhaps was I an unexplainable internet phenomenon for 5 minutes?
Man. I hope so.
This has happened to me before. My blog feeds the hungry mouths of at least five vagrants a day - except for February 29! Boy, more things than a year took a leap that day! I'm sure mothers and their children sat back and discussed my genius and wondered ever more why I didn't write copious entries upon that day.
I guess they got discouraged, for at least 35 of them never returned.
My hands shake against this cruelty, and I defy the internet by writing even still, though my fingers oftentimes crack with the sadness.
9:20 AM
you know what'd be better than being attacked by a spam bot? being attacked by a fem bot. maybe.
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