Now that I have these copious amounts of music downloads at my disposal (80 left for this month) I am at a loss what to purchase. I have a special page in my Moleskine dedicated to nothing but lists of albums I would like to buy and artists I want to check out, but for some reason it's no help to me today. I need suggestions! What's the best album you've heard recently that is worth checking out?
Here are a few you should give a whirl:
"The Best Worst-Case Scenerio" -Fair
"Sounds of Salvation" -Cassino
"Photographs EP" -Lakes, which is actually the new project of Watashi Wa singer Seth Roberts.
8:59 PM
the new animal collective: strawberry jam is awesome
mum: yesterday was dramatic is pretty great
the knife: silent shout
that's what i'm spinning.
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