Look what I got...
So far it seems to be pretty amazing. The first serious upgrade the Adobe products have had in quite some time seems like a definite step-up in all respects.
Also, I just walked out to my car to find a note stuck under my windshield wiper that simply states "I buy you car." It does in fact say you instead of the more popular your. Underneath is scrawled a nearly illegible group of digits that I assume is probably a phone number. Does anyone else ever find car buying proposals under their windshield wipers late at night? By my count, I've had at least five in the last couple of years. I guess everyone wants a 1982 Volkswagen pickup with a whopping 48 horsepower diesel engine.
But seriously...who wouldn't?
i have adobenvy.
9:55 PM
at work they got two new mac pros with cs3 already installed. it's beautiful. however, i must say that i don't like the new icons much.
8:52 PM
yeah, i didn't like em much either at first, but i must admit they're starting to grow on me a bit.
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