I was rather touched today when one of my students (samuel, age 6) presented me with this splendid portrait of me. He did it with a toothy smile and a cheerful "I dwew this foe you, mistew childwess." My favorite part was where he labeled my two hands "Hans" and "Frans," and am impressed that he went to the trouble of including that detail. Every good art teacher names his or her hands, after all; otherwise how are you going to encourage them when they get tired or discouraged? Though he did make a small error...hans is definitely my right hand, while frans is relegated to the left side of my body. But good try, Samuel. or perhaps "Samoel," if I read your name correctly.
Today is the long-awaited day of release for the new Explosions in the Sky LP, and I just returned home and popped into my CD drive with almost tangible anticipation. I'm still listening to the first song and am pretty much giddy. This music touches me more than perhaps any other.
I have already purchased my ticket to their impending show in Dallas. If you have any desire to reach transcendent melodic nirvana I recommend that you join me.
Today as I was re-watching Pi (one of my favorite movies,) I was struck with the similarities between Aronofsky's character Max and this guy. Man, what sweet digs that dude has. I should really start collecting surplus military equipment and installing it into the structure of my house, for aesthetic effect if nothing else. Link courtesy of Luceria.
In a fit of utter distraction and avoidance at all cost of graphic design I just recorded this little ditty. I kind of made it up as a I went and it's not quite on tempo but hey, since when did that matter?
I just received this pretty cool little zine in the mail from my friend Nevada Hill (www.nevadahill.com). It's a mini comic that showcases some mad drawing skills as well as some pretty incredible attention to detail. I've spent quite a bit of time today scrutinizing this thing and have yet to become bored with it.
But anyway. Go to his website and check out his work, it's splendid.
I think I have a severe problem with time management.
For example, today my to-do list spans at least 15 different projects, ranging from simple things such as "vacuum apartment" to more long-term projects such as "design website" or "record some music". It is a list that could easily keep me busy from now until I graduate in 3 months. So, the question is, why has "vacuum apartment" been on my to-do list for at least three weeks, along with such items as "clean room" or "pick up pile of clothes off of floor?" Would it really take me that long to do? Instead, I find myself watching videos on YouTube or playing x-box or some other mindless activity that really serves no purpose other than distracting me from what I should be doing. It's almost as if I subconsciously prefer being distracted over being productive. I mean, this is probably the most productive thing I've done all day, and that is truly a misfortune.
but anyway...
I think I hear Derek calling me to play a game of Halo.
Does anyone else find it terribly difficult to post pictures on blogger? Every time I try to casually plug an image into a blog entry the whole thing becomes a muddled mess.
| | | | | V (down a bit)
There are the pictures which I desire to post for today.
The images are the front and back of my poster pitch for the TCU Senior Design show, which is coming up later this semester. I have had some interest in seeing what my idea was, and so there ya go. Very straight forward, not particularly over-thought. I also designed various postcards and such for secondary mailers. The idea was not picked, however, but so it goes.
I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I am not a very good blogger. Perhaps, indeed, I am a very bad blogger. This concern arises from the fact that I really have very little interest in writing my thoughts on the internet; rather, I tend to have very little interest in writing my thoughts at all. When I am thoughtful I tend to do things like strum my guitar, doodle a picture, or ride my bike, none of which involve writing and therefore none of which translate well to blogging. So, I compensate by posting random bits of my day and random links and videos, very few of which really result in a very interesting viewing/thinking experience. Am I a hopeless case? Am I nothing but a harmless, barely inperceivable blip on the radar of worthy blogs? Am I a superficial, babbling bumkin of a blogger? Perhaps. Probably.
...and yet, I'm pretty sure I'll make it through the day with nary a single tear of regret.
And, really,
I probably won't give it a second thought until I see another inane video and say to myself, "Hey! That's kind of funny.
i just received a fresh new t-shirt from monsieur t, and so far i've been very pleased. slim-fit and splendid designs. plus, my own shirt was oh so carefully packaged with stickers and cards in a nice little poly bag, folded perfectly flat. quite a feat. check em out, there's some stuff on sale at the moment.
I figure that it is about time for another visual update on my beard growing progress:
It's starting to come in rather nicely.
Today in my creative writing class I think I said something a bit naive.
We were reading a poem that one of my classmates had written about a wedding, and the the subject in the poem centered around one person telling another how to meet people.
The major irony in the poem centered around the person giving the advice had no date himself, and so I mentioned that I thought perhaps that conclusion could be a bit stronger if the characters were in a different context since I never really thought of it as necessary to bring a date to a wedding.
And everyone stared at me.
And then my teacher told me that I needed to go to more weddings.