Well, I just returned from another of my yearly jaunts to the DSVC Student Show and conference in Dallas, and as usual it was a grand time. While the speakers and breakout sessions were not quite as stimulating as they have been in years past, the experience over all was quite invigorating and gave me a bit of a fresh perspective on design, at least it feels that way for now. A few of the fun parts: I picked up this sweet little book (this, being the only one that you see a photograph of anywhere in this post) which was given out at one of the breakout sessions which I did not attend. I found it in the hall, and what good fortune. The book was put together by Duane King (from BBDK) and is a nice reference to little bits of graphic design wisdom as well as a ton of books and websites on various topics that will be cool to check out. I shall definitely spend a lot of time purusing it this week, as I start to construct a (hopefully) killer self promo that I've started brainstorming. Also, I was able to spend a bit of time talking with Matt George (who graduated from UNT a couple of years ago and is still spoken about in low respectful tones by students who saw his work back then) from VSA Partners about my portfolio and got some very helpful tips. I also finally met the dudes from Innocent Citizens, and then proceeded to watch those Missourians steal all of our Texan awards (just kidding, many congrats to those dudes for their sweet work) so that was cool to actually meet them in person. Also, I was able to hear Debbie Millman of Sterling Brands and Speak Up give a very inspiring talk and was introduced to her weekly talk show "Design Matters," which can be downloaded as a free podcast. I'm sure that this will be what takes up my iTunes time for the next few days.
But anyway, overall it was a super cool weekend and a great way to wrap up my adventures as a student conference attendee. I do believe I might come back next year as a volunteer, who knows?
duane king. did he used to work in dallas at focus2? or am i thinking of a different guy?
sounds like it was a great weekend. i miss watching awesome designers talk about eutopia.
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