unusual weather
what a curious sight to wake up and find snow on the ground. how even more curious to wake up to find that an alarm clock is still hanging from your tree, even after six months of storms and wind. apparently it still works (according to my roommate.) school got canceled today, which is completely unsatisfying since it's only the second day and we really have no assignments to take a break from.
here is a pic for n8 of my beard progress. day 17. it should be massively bushy before too long. i expect young birds shall try to roost in it regularly and i shall have to start carrying a fly swatter.
also, i reorganized my room and now have a sweet new setup:
why yes, that is a brand new widescreen LCD display! thanks for asking!
...i do believe it might be snowman building time. the fresh 3/4 inch of powder/icy debris is calling my name...
your entries make me laugh out loud even when i'm sitting next to you. crazy.
9:24 PM
what curious weather. it's barely gotten bellow freezing here. it's wonderful. beard's looking good.
crazy is a bad word here. maybe. so anyway i don't let my kids say it anymore.
9:23 AM
that LCD screen is so dreamy.
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